Friday 25 September 2009

Poland - Day 2

To start: Bit of a balls-up by a certain member of our party who shall remain nameless.

Heather and Buff had organised a tour of Aushwitz for themselves, or 'Operation DC' as it was more commonly known. Don't ask. Someone, still nameless, organised it for the wrong week. Anyway, yay for me and Stu, as we had company on our walk around one of the most beautiful Old Towns I've ever had the pleasure of visiting.

We dined on Polish/Jewish delicacies.

We went to an open air market or three.

We walked and snapped photis and laughed and squealed at the sheer Eastern European-ness of it all. Magical day of sunshine. Then we started drinking beers at lunch, and while nothing is certain, this MAY have led of a certain someone literally crashing, leaping, shrieking and singing her way around Krakow later on that evening. Again, I won't name names, but once that lady's let out of her gilded cage...

We ate a trough of meat and potatoes for dinner. I wish I had Pictures of this. Trough is no exaggeration. It was quite something else, and my body is still paying the price of all that stodge. Ewwww, TMI.

It was a fantastic day. Made even better when I put H:Bomb to bed later than night after she had wrestled on the ground (and lost) against Buffy. That was awesome. She MAY also have tried to break down Buffy's door in an effort to stop her going to bed that night. Like I said, nothing is certain.

Needless to say, come morning, it was awfully difficult to rouse said Bomb, although we did manage when Stu gallantly (hah!) took her to McDonalds for hot chips and McBreakfast a la Poland.

Pics soon to come, but as work has finished for the day, I shall leave it there for now. There are also pics on facebook. I shall try not to repete them here.

1 comment:

Heather Anders said...

FYI it wa notme who effed up operation death camp. indeed my organisation of everything else but was FAUTLESS. NOW. if only i had been in charge of adaptors as welll.....