Sunday 28 June 2009

Back and buggered.

Just a quickie to say, wow Oregon, wow. I'm now fatty fat fat fat. I ate my weight in food, of every description. I also drank in a tonne of incredible scenery, atmosphere and alcohol. Combined they created a sensational buzz. Give it a go sometime. Portland is a fantastic city, teeming with fun, tinged with West Coast chill. Serious parties, silly camping, rain drenched seaside. All absolutely worth the lack of sleep and extra kgs!

For now, I leave you with a few pics. I'll fill in more details as soon as my brain feels less mashy.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Sayonara Suckers!

Hey all, off to Oregon for a couple of weeks, so no blogging for me! Will post pics when I get back. Love Mez

Sunday 7 June 2009

Ooooh, still feeling a little under the weather...

It's been an unusually social weekend here in little Musselburgh. That sounds really sad, I know, but the truth is that as Stu and I are both poor as churchmice, and we are leaving for the US in 3 days, 3 days!!! I can't quite believe it's June already. So the upshot is that we've been staying close to home for fear of being swayed by the bright lights and excitement (and overpriced drinks) of Edinburgh. I can only hope that when we get back from Oregon, and the summer weather (?) kicks in, along with the Festival (whoot whoot!), we have a little more cash at our disposal. The likelihood of this at the moment is, well, unlikely, but maybe it's time to go out and buy a scratchie ticket. Honestly, luck has not exactly been on our side lately, I feel we're long overdue for a a karmic kickback. Anyway, back to the bragging I was doing about actually having friends. On Friday night I rushed home from a hectic day at work to cook dinner for the lovely Michelle and Rick, and we had a very civilised affair with a passable mushroom risotto, and a really quite delicious (if I do say so myself) warm mediterranean veggie salad. Yuuummmmm.

As we're off to the US for a couple of weeks, the task now is to eat everything in the fridge. I have been gallantly playing my part in this job my grazing all day on a mountain of cheese, yoghurts, veggies, crackers and fruit. I am totally stuffed, but I will keep on trucking, because that's what heroes do. It helps that I am quite hungover from yesterday's excitement when Stu's friends drove up from Carlisle. We visited the castle - thankfully affordable due to Stu's Historic Scotland pass, which got us all in for a significantly discounted $6.00 (as opposed to the usual $26.00 (!). We then went on to spend the rest of our savings on copious amounts of ... well everything I think. The drinks were numerous, and it was great to just have a night off in terms of the worry of straining our finances. Sometimes you just need to say sod it, and have a good night. We did, and now my head hurts, but luckily my stomach is still in fine form, and I will push on with my personal challenge to eat my body weight in dairy products.

On a slightly different (and hopefully not too pitiful) note, work has been nothing if not stressful lately, my boss seems to have revealed herself to be the quitessentially hostile harpee we all hope to never meet. She's no fan of mine and my days there may be numbered, especially if I end up losing my cool and going with my base instinct which would involve a swift right hook and a "fuck you" I think might render me unemployable for the near future. Anyway, I'll plug on and continue to go to my happy place while still looking for anything that may provide financial and emotional salvation. There's nothing worse than an unapproachable boss and excessive work-related anxiety. Nevermind, just 2 days to go, and then America. I'm hoping that by the time I get back, I have some more leads, particularly ones that might get me work at the Festival, anything will do!

Signing off now, got to get back to my soup. The weather's gone shit again after a brief hint of summer joy. It's about 12 degrees with the normal degree of gales force winds and miserable rain. Ahhh Scotland, how I love thine predictability.

Love to all of youse.