Monday 30 November 2009

H:Bomb Strikes Again

Hi all,

Just wanted to say that Heather has fixed my blog and now comments can be posted by anyone. I need said comments to sustain my will to continue blogging, so please tappity tap tap tap away ok?

Had a brilliant time down in London with Heather and the boys, who are both totally dreamy. Stu asked about the trip when he picked me up from the airport, and I believe I spoke at length about the brilliance of The Rock and Freddles. He then asked me if I was getting broody. I looked at him aghast, and he was crestfallen. I think he was hoping I'd say, 'yes, please pull over and commence insemination'.

Ewwwwwwwwwww. That made me feel queasy all the way down to my trouser cuffs. Apologies for mental iamgery everyone. If it makes me feel ill, I can only imagine how the rest of you are feeling.

Not yet Stufart, not for a loooooooong time. I enjoy kidliwinks and all they have to offer. I also relish the ability to pass them back to their (wonderfully competant) mothers when they become churlish. Who knows? That may change one day. But it ain't going to be tomorrow.

Anyway, tangents aside, it was so great to see Heather, she's a one in a million gal, and we had a faboo time just catching up and hanging around the by-now familiar favoured haunts of London town. There'll be photos in the next couple of days. Warning: They're mostly of miniature ragamuffins.

Love to all,


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Elmo in Eburgerville

South Queensferry at dusk

Check out that chin-dimple. Stu, you're a dreamboat.

Forth Road Bridge, or something.

Elmo + Stu + Forth Road Bridge (or something).

Well, it was quite a good-looking bridge.

Sorry, too many of the bridge?

How about some-a this instead?
See, now you're all wishing for more bridge aren't you?

Our favourite Turkish haunt. Damn that's good

I want several of these to make my own harem away from harem. Sigh. Nobody's ever around to witness Champagne.
Check out that pinky-action.

To prove I've made friends: Jo and her man at his gig
a few weeks ago.

All Byyyy Myyyyself

Hey y'all,

To be honest, I'm not sure I can justify a whole blog posting for the events of my life these past few weeks. Still, someone's got to, and no-one else has taken up the gauntlet, so here's the long and short of it:

1. Going on a ghost tour this weekend for one of Stu's mate's birthday. Lovely girl by the name of Alex, sure she'll be thrilled. I'll reserve judgement for now and fill you in on the, what I can only assume will be seriously lame, details later.

2. Stu's other friend (he only has 2 as far as I'm aware) came to town last weekend for madcappery. Unfortuntaely for him, he found Grandpa Stu and Granny Mez are really and truly the most boring people in the world, and both were yawning for bed by 10pm on Saturday night. Sigh, staying up til midnight on New Years is seeming like an insurmountable task if you take our current party-hardly habits into account.

3. I'm getting my hair cut tonight! And coloured! My god, I wouldn't pay to have my hair professionally coloured, except that Amie (friend at work) has a friend who does it from home (she's legit, used to work in a salon, then went through the socially-crippling, professionally-debilitating process of having a child) for half the price. Looking forward to giving the mane the chop. Long hair is not for the faint of heart and the shy of blowdry.

4. Stu rear ended another car yesterday. Oh yeah, the debts just keep on coming. Car might be a write-off, as might my plans to venture back to Australia next year in April. Waiting to hear the final verdict on that one. I'm annoyed with him, but then begn to feel bad about feeling annoyed because I should be relieved he's not hurt, and that the other driver is ok, and that the damage was all to Stu's car, etc etc. Blah blah blah. Still feeling annoyed.

5. 1 week to go until I fly down to London for to see the gorgeous Heatherbell and her charming tribe of misfits. And Lily Allen. Should be sweetcakes, so long as I don't start dreaming of my hot water bottle and a nice cup of tea during the show.

Love to all, but when the hell is everyone going to get back to blogging? I'm on a limb here and it feels weird.

Thursday 5 November 2009

North Berwick - View from the Law

So pretty!

When Laura Came to Eburgerville...

The Iron Age fort on the top of North Berwick Law.

Laura on the Law.

No wind, is this really Scotland by the sea?

North Berwick beach as the sun goes down (at about 2pm)

Seriously, about 3pm.

Bit dull, why did I keep that one?
Scoooootie, I will pinch your wee nosey.

Bonnicals in Eburgerville

Stu, Laura, the smiles? I'm not convinced.

A really delicious meal in my now-favourite
Eburgerian Turkish restaurant - BYO, whoot whoot!

Why so serious Stu? You know it doesn't make you look clever,
just constipated.

We actually spent very little time in the E-Town when Laura was here, preferring country rambles and bailouts on our awesomely comfortable, designed-for-hangover-days couch. Combined with trips to the pub for burgers after big night-before drinkies (we waited soooo long for our lunch that day, we seriously all considered complaining. Then we all remembered we are big fat wussies who never ever complain to anyone but eachother.). Good burgers but, shame about the chips. Anyway, check out the photos, there aren't many, but my camera hasn't been the same since I dropped it at Kieran's wedding. There's no mechanical failure, but the casing is buckled, and it's just not the same.

Monday 2 November 2009


I got an email spanking from Pipi yesterday. It was rather funny, but also a wake-up call. Apparently everyone knows how to make vegetarian lasagne and nobody cares!

I will have more photis to put up in the next couple of days, as well as an update on what's going on. But not today, because today I am coffee bitch to management minions.

Love to all.

Pipi, I'll show you mine if you show me yours!