Tuesday 28 February 2012

Berlin For New Years 2012

Stu with what would prove to be the first of many quirky cars around Berlin - and he wanted a photo with all of them.  Far be it for me to cease nurturing his weird obssession with motor vehicles...

Wow, my eternal search for the perfect statement frock is well and truly over.  Alson, move over Diego, there's a new mural genius on the block.

As the infamous MJ would say...

Oranienstrasse - or are we in Thailand? Authentic innit?

OMG.  Suddenly I'm 11 years old again.

Stu smells the unmistakable waft of BBQ'd wurst, and just like that, I've lost him.

Christmas markets, actual German Christmas markets!

I didn't want to be the one to point of to all the erstwhile shoppers that they were about 5 days late.  But perhaps they were just being incredible efficient... It wouldn't be the first time a German has been accused of efficiency.

Unter Den Linden and museum after museum.

A Trabant. Apparently.
The Jewish Museum.  A philosophical approach to a depressing history. Think beyond the tradgedies of the 20th century and learn about the tradgedies of 1000 years of persecution in Europe.  The architecture of the building, the interactive elements that sneak up on the unsuspecting, jaded museum-goer make this one a must-do.

Fireworks in Berlin - legally on sale for 3 days of the year = utter chaos on the streets.

Cold, but not as cold as we'd prepared for - my snow boots stood by the front door of our apartment everyday, just waiting to be used.  I cursed the additional room I could have spared in my suitcase for wurst.

Police Academy anyone?

Grease Lightening!  She's a real pussy wagon.

The devastation on New Years Day.  After falling into bed at 7am, grabbing 3 hours sleep, then packing up to head back to Scotland, these streets probably looked better than the insides of our heads.  But only just.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Christmas 2011 - Chicks in Frocks, 'German' Christmas Markets, Champers Pats and Some Food Porn.

Some of the lovely ladies from work at our Christmas party.

The constant struggle to instruct a novice in the idiosyncratic nature of my camera NEVER fails to make me look like a twat in photos using said camera, as the bloody thing ALWAYS manages to pull it together and work during my 'just give up on it' face.

'German' Christmas markets in the heart of Edinburgh.  Say what you will, the stoehlen is gooooooood.

Chilly, but not as bad as years passed.

Our cosy home scene:

Stockings courtesy of the talented Ma Lamb.

The first of the food porn, cheeeese! And some random vegetable crap (Stu's words)

Cranking the champers, it was probably noon, but who really cared?

Duck breast, roasted veggies, cabbage and bacon.  Mmmmmm Christmas dinner is served, avec beaucoup de vin.

Flamin pud!