Sunday 28 February 2010

Dinner at Ewen and Clare's

Dammit! I've done them backwards again, this is the next day, down the pub and feeling rough.

Clare hard at work preparing deliciousness.

Our bartender extra-ordinaire.

Prawns, yumoo!

What concoction shall be our undoing?

Mr Socks was spooked by the newcomers.

Serious grown up stuff on Saturday night, with a couply dinner party. Honestly, I never thought I'd to see the day. Was really quite a larf, due in no small part to numerous, incredibly strong cocktails. Quite ill today, but totally worth it for the merriment that ensued. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I played wi (spelling?) baseball.

Only a few photos, as then battery died.
Love to all, hope you all had a lovely weekend too. Moving into the new flat next weekend, so will send pics through of the new place as soon as it's presentable (read: decorated with carefull place teapots and wall hangings. Might be a while, now that I think about it.)


Philippa said...


But it's a really stupid spelling, so you're forgiven for not knowing it.

Mezzle said...

Um, thanks!

Laura said...

You are so grown up! Look forward to seeing photis of the new place. Let me guess - you will now have a bathroom sans carpet? Stepping up in the world! oxox

Mezzle said...

Sans carpet indeed Laura - although at the moment, firdge is on the blink - major annoyance to use Stu's mini beer fridge to keep perishables from perishing. Just our luck that temps are above zero now!

Verity Slee said...

nice one Mezbot. everyone seems so big kidlike these days... except for me of course te he. I played Wi Boxing and I almost pissed my pants... seriously... I actually couldnt control the farts that splurted out my bum bum in excitment xxx

Mezzle said...

ha ha, Sleazy I can picture it now! When the eff are you going to come and visit me in the Frozen North?