Tuesday 23 February 2010


Ok, so I've started a new job, made many travel plans, and also found a new flat - moving in 2 weeks. So there've been a few developments in the last few weeks.

I'll have to keep this brief, because one of the joys of said new job is that I'm at the front desk in full view of the passing masses, as well as other staff (some of whom are great, others of whom I am slightly wary). New job is ok - a little on the conservative side in terms of things like dress code, etc - but I can (unlike my former hippy-coutured self) live with that. I do resent having to go out and spend some hard-won cash on new work clothes though - how boring is that?!

New flat, I'm very excited about this, unfortunately although it meets most of my requirements, I believe Stu's still a bit huffy about the fact that once again, we are bathless. We are also parking spot-less. So that's 2 down for him. Still - it has a massive second bedroom (hellloooo guests!), gas hob, NO electric crap shower - ie water pressure is back for good, loads of storage space for all our crap (though I have insisted on yet another cull before we move). It's also by the waters of Leith, just a short bus ride from that rather exciting part of town that veers dramatically between fine dining (ie Michelin star 'Kitchen'), cute bars and cafes, and transient crack whores. Bliss.

Travel plans - well firstly, Stu and I are planning a long weekend in the Lake District to herald our birthdays - they fall just a week or so apart, so we thought we'd cajole a few friends to come with us. We've rented a cottage - it has THE most hilarious you tube advert you've ever seen - lots of odd camera angles, unintentional blackouts and a handheld so wobbly, the makers of the Blair Witch Project would be furiously searching out an appropriate copywrite law to invoke. Still, it looks uber cute, and we're excited:


Secondly, I'm off to A-dam at the end of April to catch up with the ladies - ie Buff Buff and H:Bomb (and maybe even the elusive Dave - who although by no means a lady, will become one of the honorary bitches for the weekend). So excited - and though tis for one night and one night only - I plan to make the absolute most of it! Any suggestions are welcome, because I do believe that the last time I was there (1999!), I sampled nought but beer, chips and other unsavoury items... All this made it rather difficult to remember much else ...

Thirdly - Stu and I are going to spend a week or so in Spain in June - guaranteed warmth and sunshine here I come!! We'll stay with Stu's parents in their home-away-from-home. Presumably there'll be more ex-pats than you can shake a stick at - but we'll have access to a car and can drive off in search of something a little more authentic - I envision private beaches, sangria and sun! Ok, so maybe authentic's not what I'm going for here - but don't hold it against me - I'm severely Vitamin D deficient right now.

Not our travel plans per se, but uber dooper excited about Beccy's impending move to this hemisphere in August. Yay Beccy well done you! Estonia - randomly brilliant.

October feels like a great time of year to take some time off and come back to Australia for a holiday - I can't quite believe I've been here for almost a year now! My my, how time flies.

Can't wait to see some of you then, and some of you maybe even before!

Love to all.


Beth said...

AM-STER-DAM! WOOT! Boy, oh boy. That one night, and one night only, will be inSANE!! I can't wait! I need to save up my energy resources for that week! I'm an old bird now, so I better get in shape!

Your job sounds like what my new job will be like. Not too interesting, although I am still uber stoked to start!

Can't wait to see you, lovely!! xoxo

Beth said...

...also, the cottage looks lovely! Do you get to keep the half-drunk bottle of wine and the bread with cheese? I want to go to there.

B said...

So much great news in one little update! Congratulations about the job AND the new abode - all very exciting.

I fear if I were to ever stay at the cottage I would spend the nights by my window waiting for a visit from Cathy of Heathcliff - but that's probably just me! It looks gorgeous!

Also - just to reiterate - if you and Stu would like a sunny summer break, you are SO welcome to come stay at ours, any time. Easyjet flies direct to Nice!!! And it's usually very sunny here!! xx

Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

Amsterdam?!?!?! Well, the recommendation could only be: Camping Zee-Burg Style, with all the special "vegetables" and cookies ... he he he...So much fun, we certainly parties like it was 1999 (hang on, it WAS 1999). And a visit to the Grasshopper a must (good luck to you if you can still do it - dunno if I could rock the Dam like we did back then).

Have a blast!

And YES YES YES to a visit to Macau in October. Of course there maybe a few more poo-ey nappies than on your last visit, but it will be fun fun fun!!!!!

Mezzle said...

Buff - see you soooon!
Bec - it is/has always been part of my plan to come and visit you - as soon as we have the funds - that's where we'll be heading. In the mean time - you tell that sun to come my way. Snowing again here today. Not nice snow, but wet snow that melts immediately and leaves the ground sodden and cold.
Al - Oh you'd better believe I'm coming over macau way. Prepare for your child to be overwhelmed by Aunty Mez hugs.

B said...

Yay! Visitors are the bestest.
I so want to come to Scotland (specifically Balado, Kinross-Shire 9th July - 11th for T in the Park Festival - the lineup this year looks AMAZEBALLS but alas, funds. No funds. Funds spoiling my funs)hehe.

But an E'burgh trip is on the list, yes indeedy.

Laura said...

Mez, this is all too exciting for one post!! Very looking forward to seeing photos of your new flat when you move in, sounds wonderful. Cottage - I won't say much because my jealousy will become too apparent. And new job - sweet! If as this post implies, you are heading back over to these shores in October, then I am most thrilled and simply cannot wait. much love to you both, oxoxo

Mezzle said...

Thanks Laura - how's engaged life treating you? Have you been transformed into a proper young lady?

Laura said...

Oh yay, a specialised Mez comment just for me! Engaged life is lovely, and all is going well. Adrian has been writing lots of songs and growing a rather impressive beard. Started the uni course for teaching a few weeks ago, and so far I am still somewhat stressed out about the whole thing. Libraries? Books? Brain power? Deadlines? Eeekk. It's getting there, but it's taking a bit more time than I thought it would! Hope new job and new flat treat you wonderfully my dear. oxoxo

Verity Slee said...

HA HA HA Mez last time we were in A Dam you lost your Eurail and your BRAIN and your bank balance... but god damn it was good. xx

Mezzle said...

That's all part of the fun when you're in the Adam - and Vee, don't remind me! remember when you had your bag stolen in Brussels? Of course you do - my god the things we did. Our parents must have been going spare at home!