Sunday 7 February 2010

To the Pulsing 90s Beats...

Ahhhh, Sunday, and the weather's predictably crap. Nevermind, perfect excuse to stay in, catch up on some crap TV and some brilliant blogging.

Oooh - Ace of Base. Too awesome.

I realise it's been a while since I filled any of my lovely readers in on my current status.

Everyday for the last 3-4 months, I've been cold, colder than I ever thought I would/could/should be. Now, I know I don't live in the Arctic, per se, but some of us aren't built for it, we're just not. My skin is pasty, I can't remember the last time I had warm feet, our flat has uber shitty heating (storage heaters are useless), and I am SO sick of wearing the same jacket, day in and day out. Mind you, it's a love hate thing with the jacket. Actually I'm pretty much in awe of it's unfailing ability to keep me from keeling over. Never leave me jacket. Never.

Oh my god, the 90s dance feast is over, only to be replaced with Eye of the Tiger. Now I feel like my typing has a newly invigorated, driving purpose. Yeah! Wow, the lead singer's surpisingly uninspiring. That just ain't right.

I'm getting off track. Not such a bad thing really, I was complaining about the cold again, wasn't I? Gawd, bloody broken record.

Our shitty heating is one of a myriad of reasons Stu and I are on the hunt for a better flat - hopefully somewhere closer to the centre of Edinburgh. We're looking at the docks area (cause Stu loves his late night sailor trawls), or near Holyrood Park. We went to a viewing yesterday, and it was a complete waste of time. The flat was in a crack den of a building, the tiles in the bathroom were few and far between, there was sawdust all over the living room floor, and a sorry bit of chipboard that stood for a wardrobe. Bust. The letting agent was far from helpful. In actual fact he seemed resentful of our presence. So few agents actually do viewings on the weekend, or even during the week in the evening. We were curtly informed when we asked about viewing times, that MOST people take a day off work and view a bunch in one day. Oh, silly me. Fuckers.

So now the task has been set for Stu (who has the car, and relative working freedom) to view as many flats as he can this week during lunch, and report back to me with ample visuals. Not incredibly fussy, but I have a few necessities that will need to be addressed - gas hob, GCH, tasteful decor, etc. Mainly it's all about location, location, location.

As far as work's concerned, I'm coming up to my last week at my current job, and I've lined up another contract for myself in a property company (coincidence, I assure you) as the reception/admin assistant. Nothing to get excited about, certainly. But the work will be easy, the pay is marginally better than the job I've been doing, and the contract is for a minimum of 10 months, so a bit of stability is nice. I've got some other things in the pipelines - an interview on Monday, another interview I had with Scottish Govt a couple of weekes ago - they're taking they're sweet time making a decision.

Foreigner - hilarious.

Sorry, this is all very stream-of-conscious right now.

Still aiming to make a trip back to Australia in October, so looking forward to it. Fingers crossed no monumentally expensive disasters pop up in the mean time!

That's it for now. Thanks for listening.


Anonymous said...

Cute post Mezzle... I know I'm not a huge commentator on the blog but I always read :o) XX Nadsie

Mezzle said...

Thanks Nadsie! How are you? Do you have a landline at the moment? Love you!

Philippa said...

Good work on the new job! Nice. I'll give you a call on Sunday night from my mob.

PS: Get Skype!

Laura said...

New job, stream of consciousness, general awesomeness. And the best turkey leg soup recipe this side of the moon. Keep up the posts Miss Mez, hope all is travelling splendidly. I am starting my teaching course at uni next week and have entered into the official poo-my-pants phase. More soon! oxoxo

Mezzle said...

Oooooh Laura - good luck!

Yes Pipi, indeed skype would be awesome. I promise we'll look into it. Planning to move flats in the next few weeks, so after that. Call me! Your Sunday night is awesome, so long as it's not ridiculously early. Saturday night we're out, so don't try us your sunday morning. Love.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mezzle, No land line but I do have skype UN:nadsie5066. Are you on Skype?? Moving into my new house in 12 days !! So very excited XX

Mezzle said...

Yay! No skype at the moment - it's on the list. Let me know if you get a landline in the new place - and send me pics!