Tuesday 2 February 2010

Turkey Leg Soup

1 large turkey leg
1 can chick peas/lentils (preference) – if dried, soak overnight.
1 can chopped tomatoes
½ can coconut milk (milk, not cream)
Chicken stock (liquid, not cube – it’s all about the stock – make it yourself?)
1 cup finely chopped celery
2 leeks finely chopped
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 bay leaves (optional)
Vegetables – finely chopped – add anything you like. I usually go for a combination of sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin/squash, etc etc.

Seasoning (to rub on turkey leg and extra add to soup):
2 tsps Sea salt
2 tsps Pepper
2 tsps each Cumin and coriander seeds (freshly ground is best)
3 tsps Tandoori curry powder (some may say lazy, I don’t care)

Combine spices and rub over turkey leg. Leave at least half of the spices to add to the soup later. Please note, any leftover spices are awesome rubbed into chicken, red meat (esp lamb), fish, whatever.

Brown the turkey leg in a pan or in your soup pot if it has a heavy base.
Once browned, remove turkey leg and add leeks and garlic to the pan.
Add remaining spices to leeks once softened.
Sit turkey leg on top of leeks and add remaining diced veggies and copped tomatoes.
Add enough stock and coconut milk to cover.
Bring the soup to the boil, and then turn down to a medium heat to simmer for a couple of hours (add water/stock as the levels drop in the pot).
After two hours (leave longer if necessary, no harm done), remove the turkey leg. The meat should be tender and falling off the bone. Wait until it’s cooled, then shred the meat into bite-sized pieces.
Add the lentils/chick peas (drained and rinsed if canned) and the shredded turkey back into the soup and simmer for an additional 30 mins.

Serve with chopped coriander (or parsley) and a dollops of greek yoghurt or crème fraiche (and maybe a squeeze of lime)

Everytime I make soup, the recipe differs. Don’t be afraid to experiment – the principle always remains the same: Good stock + time = good soup.


Beth said...

THANK YOU for that :) I am going to be making that this weekend! Can't wait to tell you how it went! xoxo

Mezzle said...

You're welcome, can't wait to hear about it!

Philippa said...


Heather Anders said...

unable to souce turkey leg anywhere locally. odd. suggestions? or am i gonna have ot pay £25 for one at the market on saturday.

fred getting his haircut on saturday. rocco just did another turd. lakes sounds good, but need to work on my get out of jail card - we would be looking at a fri/sat night thing right? i should reply on facebook i think....

Mezzle said...

Melbourne has the same problem - they're plentiful and cheap in Adelaide, nowhere to be seen in Melbs - go figure. We buy ours at Asda (classy) for £1.50 a pop.

Friday/Saturday for sure. Please come, pleeeeeeease!

Mezzle said...

Melbourne has the same problem - they're plentiful and cheap in Adelaide, nowhere to be seen in Melbs - go figure. We buy ours at Asda (classy) for £1.50 a pop.

Friday/Saturday for sure. Please come, pleeeeeeease!