Monday 28 June 2010

Sun, Sand and Sangria

'It's just like home, only you got the wevva, innit?'  Ok, so my first foray into Spain wasn't exactly what I was imagining.  Of course there was sun, there was sand, swimming, patatas bravas, olives and paelle and yes, there was sangria.  But more than this, the trip was a chance to see Brits abroad in that most obnoxious of senses.  Pruned up old orange ladies, blokes with guts a-quiver, and the sublime sounds of a high-pitched scouser screech all blended together to create a truly unforgettable experience.  If only I could forget. 

Still, La Marina (the urbanisation outpost where Stu's parents currently spend a good 6 months out of every year) had its charms - mostly in the form of Doug and Norm's hospitality and their lovely villa.  To explain: La Marina is a residential scheme, much like thousands of others around Spain, that caters most specifically for ex-pats.  A very slim percentage of the residents of La Marina are actually Spanish, and it shows.  The bars are all British, German and Dutch themed and the food is of the bangers and mash variety.

Alicante was nearby, and we did manage to see some pretty extraordinary sights, including the stunning castle on the hill above the city, the mediterranean in all its sparkly, azure glory, and the dusty purple mountains that surround the city (everything was so very dry - it really did feel like home in so many ways).  Besides, nothing can match the pleasure of wandering around without shoes, scarves and jumpers.  The smell of sunscreen always makes me happy, and sleeping without the covers wrapped tightly for fear of losing an arm to frost bite during the night is an unparalleled joy.
Quitessentially Dutch child.  Pretty damn cute really.
Doug's barbeque - home made of course.
One of the Spanish beaches in the area, Sunday is family day and there were bathers and picnic-ers everywhere - all Spanish - amazing!
Doug relaxing at one of the many British restaurants in La Marina.
La Marina - Doug and Norms street 'Calle Dublin' in the urbanisation (residential complex)
On our way to Alicante.
Mmmmm, the makings of a mouth-watering seafood paella!
Muscle beach - for seniors only (seriously, there was a sign).
On our way to the top of the castle.
We made it!  A tad hot and sweaty, but so was everyone.
A thirst-quenching beer.
Mmmmm, my first paella.  Actually turned out to be a little salty, but still a vast improvement on bangers and mash.
The old town (barrios) where we lunched in the shade.
Spanish-style beauty pageant.  Very Queen Victoria-y.
Alicante's marina, with the castle perched on the hill in the background.
Mar menor - bathers enjoying the barely knee-deep water (so warm you'd think a vast army of small children had peed in it minutes before you splashed in (no diving - too shallow)).  It does get deeper further out - Stu and I took his highly prized inflatable kayak on its maiden voyage.  I expected the thing to capsize immediately, but it went really well and we made it back in one piece, although one of the paddles wasn't so lucky.


B said...

I feel bad now.

I read this yesterday and didn't comment at the time and now you're feeling unloved in blog-land.

My stream-of-thoughts from yesterday:

YAYYAYAY! Mez has updated, whoo-hoo!!

.... oooo, cool photos... I love all the ones around the port and particularly the statue/sculpture one

... hehe Mez likes taking arty photos of walls just like me - except hers are cool....

..Spain. Sangria. Paella.... On it.

... Stu seems like such a cool cat we MUST align our travels...

Next stop - France??

To quote from Glee - "Don't stop Belie-e-e-ving - Hold onto that fe-e-ee-ling".

Your blogs make my day. xx

Mezzle said...

YOU make my day B. More fun stuff coming up, and you've kept my blog torch burning! I scouts honour promise to always return the favour. Thoughts on France are wistful, yearning, dream-like. I will NEVER stop believing! 2011??!

Philippa said...

Hey I read these too! I'm all over it!

I want Paella. Mmmmmm...The weather looks delicious. I am freezing to death in Melbourne, but only three weeks til sunshine-y Europe (Stockholm was 30 degrees the other day!!! I'm bringin nothing in my bag but thongs, bathers and sun hats).

Can't WAIT to see you in Edinburgh! (Ok, I'll bring a jumper too. It is Scotland after all).

Heather Anders said...

to quote from glee? wtf? oh buff, you are you.

dear mez. spain looks awesome, dear god i want mesome paella. not sure if low GI though. HA HA. I kid, i kid. Sorta. Adeliade yummy food has not been kind to my new skinny jeans

Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

looks bewtiful!! Paella - Y-U-M. I wish I could tan like Stu's parent - good lordy, they are bronzed babes!

Will you go back to visit them sometime soon? Should hire a car and see other parts of Sthn Spain. Mountain-top town called Ronda is fabulous. And I think quite near (a few hrs drive) where all the Brits have .. ur hum... set up camp.