Saturday 12 June 2010

Ch ch ch changes...

We all need a little updating from time to time.  After many hours spent testing out new background themes, both minimalist and extravagantly over-embellished, I settled for colours and busi-ness.  What can I say, I've never been very good at less is more. 

It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that the World Cup has well and truly kicked off.  Despite Scotland not actually being in the competition, the talk of fixtures, players' fitness and coaching styles has infiltrated both work and home life to an already worrying degree.  I don't mind me a little of the ol' foozball from time to time, but I can tell already that this is going to be my biggest trial to date. 

Can I be the good girlfriend, not complain about being subjected to yet another match, yet another round table discussion on performance - and it's not only the England games, but any team that's at all likely to face England.  Gotta know the opposition's form... Sigh.  It's going to be a looooooong month.  And those bloody horn/trumpet thingies the South Africans NEVER stop playing.  My god, it's like a massive swarm of giant mosquitoes, hellish racket on TV, hate to imagine what it's like to be there in the flesh.  I spent my youth inadvertantly destroying my hearing by standing too close to speakers at raves, and now I wish I'd done a better job of it.

Anyway, back to the new layout.  It's not exactly what I had in mind, so don't be surprised if the whole thing is refreshed more than once in the next little while (girl's gotta find some way to amuse herself while boy salivates over offside rulings).  Then again, I'm sure you wouldn't be overly surprised nothing at all is done, it's me, I'm lazy.  You know it.


Verity Slee said...

Like it Mez- def favoured over the book shelf. Embrace the soccer! Wohoaaaa! I am off to the pub for a 4am game tomorrow.... fun stuff yeah? Better than friggin AFL that is for sure! xxxxx

B said...

Love the patchwork quilt layout Mez - tres tres pretty.

Feeling you re: World Cup insanity. We raced back from a gorgeous weekend in Provence so M could yell at the television. Mum and I are currently watching on, bemused, as he heckles the Mexican umpires and the Germans.
Aussie Aussie Aussie???
Oy. A long month indeed.

Mezzle said...

Verity, I'd like to think that your visiting a pub at 4am is nothing short of typical behaviour, soccor or not.
Bec, I couldn't agree more. Sigh.

Mezzle said...

Was it worth it Vee??! Talk about an absolute thumping! Some of those Aussie boys looked like they should have been well into their retirement years already.

Anonymous said...

Like the patchy-work. Ah Mum, when will you stop inflicting your dominance?

I heart soccer. I'm lovin' it sick. Was at Dax's on Sunday night from 10pm til 6.30am, watching soccer. Great stuff. But the good news here is that if you don't want to watch it, it's on at unGodly hours, so I can remain peacefully in bed while The Fred gets up at 2 to watch. Good stuff.

Love Pipi

Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

1) LIKE the new blog theme. Jealous and might need a similar change to try and emulate

2) AFL kicks arse over soccor any day of the week ... seriously people, let's not get too caught up in WC fever.

3) MAybe my lack of ability to stay up til the games is dampening my enthusiasm. Seemed to have no issues with 4am matches at Bondi Beach Hotel last time round. 4 years on, me and Boris are lucky to make it til midnight ... the joys of "up the duffing"


Mezzle said...

Ummm, I hope you don't need to be preggers to have a suitable excuse for:

a) Not enjoying soccor 24/7
b) Not making it til midnight regardless of occassion.