Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Royal Highland ('Heeeeland') Show

Twas a balmy 20 degree day (my standards are much lower than they used to be when it comes to heat), the pollen count was oh so high (I was a sneezing, snivelling, partially blind mess for most of the day) and the stench of barnyard animals was overpowering, despite my nasal congestion.  This was the Highland Show and Stu was keen to go for two important reasons:

1. He wanted to 'familiarise' himself with various breeds of sheep and cows (cooooows) for work.
2. More importantly, he got free tickets. 

It should be noted that there is no way I would have paid £22 for the pleasure of attending (extortion!), luckily, he got 2 free tickets.

I was designated official photographer for the day (as always) because Stu forgot his camera (as always).  I neglected to take many photos of animals, instead I found food to photograph (as always).
Every kind of fudge and sweetie (I've been trained out of using the word lolly - it just creates unnecessary confusion) under the sun.  I don't really like fudge all that much, but it sure looked pretty.
Almost to cute to bear - wee ducklings!
Ok, onto the business at hand - a Blue Leicester I think?
I can't remember which breed.  Am I fired?
A Heeeland Coooooow.  Just take a look at those testes.  Insanely, obscenely huge.
And, that's a wrap folks.  Yes, I fear my camera then ran out of juice due to a heavy weekend of memory-making fun.  Stu and I decided we'd had enough of our attempt to advance his career in the farm business and made a beeline for the food hall where the free samples of chutney, cheese and various other delectables made us a fine lunch.  That's Stu and I - we try different activities, but it always comes back to food.


Laura said...

Mez, is it just me or does that Heeland Coo look a bit like Jimmy dog's distant Scottish relative? At least the wig/fringe hair looks similar. Lovely photis! ox

Anonymous said...

i hate fudge also.

any chance you can write comments under pics? sorry. it confuses me otherwise.

yay mez. you and bec keeping blogland afloat!

Heather Anders said...

that was me heather. forgot to login.

Mezzle said...

How do I do that H? You tell me, and I'll do it!

Laura, I totally see what you mean - that's hilarious! Jimmy has a distant Scottish, coo-like relative. I always knew he was something special!

Anonymous said...

ahaha.... laughing at your comment on the highland Coooeeeew's testies
Seriously Huge balls :o)

Philippa said...

Hahahahhaa this is amusing. Balmy 20 degrees sucks.
