Wednesday 20 January 2010

Morroccan Mood Lighting

Oh No! Did you get one of the chocolates filled with mouth ripping chilli?

No chilli chocolate for Ewen, smooooth.

Chocolates potentially packed with chilli? Anyone? A game given to us at Christmas. You're supposed to spin the wheen and eat the chocolate indicated. Stu went straight for the first one he saw, and copped a mouth'o'chilli goodness.

The always darling Meredith (that's right, there are two of us mwah ha ha), and her no longer imaginary partner Steve. We thought we may have had a Bagono on our hands here, but it just turns out he travels a lot for work. Sure Meredith, then why did we see you grabbing him off the street in front of our place and settling on payment before you knocked on our door? Hmmm?

Refusing, point blank despite social derisions associated, to take down the tree. It's the longest any plant has ever survived on my watch. Proud as punch. NB:- mood lighting, oh yeah.

Best game ever! Not just a quiz, not just pictionary, not just charades, or scrabble - but all of these magical elements in one game. Preach!

Admit it, you love our dinner party/games night!

The most delicious flat bread, cooked fresh on the spot by one clever Meredith (the other one). was devoured so quickly, I didn't have time to get the camera out. Sorry food bloggers, you'll just have to imagine the goodness...

Ewen's wife Claire - another case of mystery date, as we've hung out with Ewen countless times, but never met his wife. She was awfully polite for an escort we thought, even one of the high class variety. Since Ewen can't afford high class escorts, we figured he had to be telling the ruth, and that this was infact the fabled Claire of stories told.

Scary Stu.

Ha ha, well I love a good dinner party. Unfortunately, our flat really doesn't cater for more than 2 guests. When faced with the prospect of a rather embarrassing chair scramble on Saturday night when we had, gulp, 4 guests, I decided on the only logical course of action. No chairs, for anybody. Morroccan madness ensued, buoyed by Cranium (love love love it!), cushions, cous cous and cocktails (oh, and about 4 bottles of vino, just to keep things interesting.)


Heather Anders said...

Anyway – said this
Apologies for analness but is your blog all back to front? Or was that intended? I am confused by last post. This could be my brain. I have had a cold now for 1 whole month and it has basically stopped working.
Btw –
O.M. G!!!!
You totally got spam commented. That is OUTRAGEOUS. But don’t freak out (and go and so something stupid like add word verification or comment moderation) in 5 years it has only happened to me once (whereupon i did freak out, went to the website, spewed the c word at it and told htem to fire the marketing fckhole who came up with this idea as the only response they would get is PURE hatred. Leave the small blogs alone you wankers)

Mezzle said...

I know! I can't believe it, spam on my eeny weeny blog. OUTRAGE isn't the word. I'm trying to rise above it.

Yes, back-to-front is the new black. ba ha. Sorry about your cold, are you in on saturday for a chat?