Wednesday 20 January 2010

All Hail The Buff!

Sexy, sultry sender of salty seasoning. We love you! 2 different kinds of Maldon - we have been thoroughly spoiled by one particularly generous Canadian. Thank you so much Buffy, we shall cherish our salty friends, and we shall also sprinkle liberally in remembrance of your beautiful gesture.

For those of you who may be confused, let me explain. Snow in the UK is not as common as elsewhere. Thus, during the recent dumping, salt and grit supplies for the roads were stretched to the limit. The councils' answer: Supermarket salt. Absolutely dead serious that for several weeks, cooking salts were in damnably short supply. Buffy to the rescue - sending us salt all the way from Toronto out of the goodness of her pure maldon-soaked heart. Bless thee Saint Buff Buff!


Beth said...

HURRAH!!! At LAST, the salt arrives!!
When at the market purchasing the salt, I thought it best to throw in the fancy smoked stuff as a little treat, knowing you will put it to good use.
May your friends and neighbours writhe in jealousy.
I just hope you're not burgled for your rations....

Mezzle said...

I'm keeping it under wraps Buff - at least until the summer when salt will presumably be in ready supply once more in this very strange land.

Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

OI!!! YUM ... what is this smoked version - haven;t had that before. Well...haven;t had ANY for a while, being in Mac-Land. Saw it once in the supermarket, but some sneaky expat probably bought 20 boxes of it and have never seen again. Much like WE do when Old El Paso Burrito Kits magically appear, once in a blue moon.....!

Mezzle said...

Smoked salt smells like bacon. Sooooo good.