Friday 17 December 2010

Keeping the Festive Spirit Alive

The boys just lurve their secret santa presents.
Office secret santa pressie swap, complete with girl Santa Dawn.  It was meant to be boy Santa John, but one size definitely does not fit all, and those santa pants will never be the same again.
Andrew's gift - candy nipple tassles, to be used in the event of sexy time.
Now Dawn, you may be petite, but that reindeer is still looking a few kgs shy of a decent ride home.

Harry's secret santa present - chosen and made by yours truly.  The pornographic gingerbread men were the surprise hit of the night.  The stress boobs will come in handy (get it) I'm sure.
Close up.  Disclaimer: Santa does not condone kiddie porn.

Christmas in Eburger is in full swing.  The proof is in the turkey.  Please look away if you are appalled by gratuitous shots of turkey carcass.
The comparatively sedate table, devoid of food throwing and carcass fondling.  This was moments before I got hit in the face with a projectile rasher of bacon.

Yvonne is about to fling a deadly brussel sprout.  The little fuckers were rock hard and bloody hurt.  Seriously though, the food was better for throwing than eating.
Dawn and Michelle save the turkey from further humiliations.

Michelle moves from turkey to chicken boob (blessedly not a real chicken boob).  Moments later, Jonathon the inexplicably munted guy to her right grabbed said boob and flung it over his shoulder to the other table, where it knocked a glass of wine all over the MD.  To her credit, our boss didn't lose her shit, but it did signify the end of Christmas Food Fight 2010.

Aem no' trouble, youse is trouble!
Pretending to enjoy the disappointing pudding.  Oscars all round.
Oh lovely ladies of the dance, show us yer stuff.
The boys in blue.  Lending serious credence to the running joke that they all call eachother up the night before a party to decide what to wear.
Ugh, the end of the night, and thing fall apart.

1 comment:

Philippa said...

This looks like fun MJ! Why was the food so terrible? Your gingerbread men are the bomb.

Speak to you at Christmas,