Thursday 23 July 2009

The Day I Became a Statistic

Hello all. Well, the latest is this:

Today I am once again unemployed. Yes, it's true, after 3 months of anxiety, overwork and stupidly long shifts without breaks (ahem - legal?), I am out on the street.

Here's how it went down:
Boss from Hell (BfH): "I need you to work tomorrow"
Me: "Sorry, I really can't tomorrow, it's my only day off this week and I made plans."
BfH: "Right, I think it's time for your 3 month review"
Me: "ok....."

BfH "You're basically a crap employee and you have your head stuck up you arse, and we expected more from you (ie to work 24 hours a day and lick the floor clean at the end of every function while taking bookings for 2015 all for $10 an hour).
Me: "Well then I thinks it's in no-one's interest for me to continue working here."

Upshot: I don't have to work another hellish shift Saturday (10am til midnight).

Downturn: I have no money, and no money coming in for next month.

Positive: I have a job interview for next Friday, and 2 appointments tomorrow with recruitment agencies for better work, and a couple of internships with museums/galleries to apply for.

So that's it. Game over crappy job. Game over. I loath failure, but I love sleeping in, so that's what I'm going to do on Saturday!

Love to all, stay safe and happy. I'm going to go ahead and reclaim happy for myself too.


Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

Bummer Mez - I don't think I knew what the job was you were at though? It definitely doesn't sound like its worth stressing over.

You'll find something else - and in the meantime, back to bludgery!


Beth said...

Sod 'em. Asshole bosses are the worst.

Only good thing about having such a shite job is LEAVING IT!!

I fantasize about it ALL. THE. TIME.

I would get into details about how much I LOATHE my boss, but seeing as how he e-stalks me and has mentioned how he's read my blog (which is odd because I was convinced you and the rest of our blogging group were the only ones who knew about it), I can't exactly write a post about it. He will, no doubt, track down this comment and fire me within the week...which would mean an extended stay in the U.K. come September 'cause I would not look for work until then anyway.

So really, this all sounds promising! Fingers crossed ; )


B said...

Aw Mezzle, I feel for you chicken!
I too have been experiencing the joys of being screwed around with over here.
Anytime you need an escape to the French Riviera our door is wide open. I can't pay you, being unemployed myself, but we can drown our sorrows in beaucoup de vins!
Chin up - something better - much MUCH better - will come along.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
