Tuesday, 13 April 2010

A Wee Catchup Via the Art of Mediocre Photography

Let's start with a few shots of our new (ish) flat. I wanted to wait til the place was clean, then I had to wait until we had internet at home, so we've actually been here for 2 months now...

A collection of birthday cards on the mantel always makes you feel loved!

My (very expensive) plastic and glass jewels.

Our spare room... guests please!

Our room.

Living room and our dear little plastic fern. Not ours actually, but we make do with what we're given. Reminds me of Radiohead...

Birthday bowling tabulations. I came a respectable 3rd. Ok, so when I say respectable, I only beat out Stu and a 4 year old.

Not the best photo, but what are you going to do. I blame Stu (photographer). Is that wrong?

Little Millie had a great time, until we tactfully explained that she won, in her category (the under 10s). So cute, she stood about a foot away from the pins and then heaved the ball from a sitting position.

Trying to get Millie to get out of the way of the balls and they came careening down the alley was an undertaking all its own.

Ahhh, a beautiful sunny (but windy) day in Trinity, our new neighbourhood.

Awe, mum baked for me, the cakes were amazing. No recipe. Now that's talent! Clearly Stu was beyond thrilled.

Um, me looking a little crazy. Just thought y'all may have forgotten what I looked like on a few wines. It's important to keep loved ones up to speed with these things.

Ma and my godmother Trudy - we had a fabulous week hanging around Ol' Eburger. Hilarious photo, but mum'll kill me!

Thai food - random restaurant, turned out to be effing great. If only I could remember which one it was ...

Stu, slightly dulled by the skawks of reminiscing that issued forth across the table between mum and me, concentrated on his food. So what's new?

Hanging out at Ocean Terminal.


So that's it for now. I promise there'll be more photos in the next little while - there's so much going on! Stay tuned for an update after this weekend when Stu and I head down to catch up with some of our lovely friends in Windemere. Shout out to Beatrix, whoot whoot!


Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

GREAT apartment Mez - I like it much better than your last one (via photos). Kitchen looks super! (Oh, and lovin the owner's obvious attraction to pattern - did I see several shades of stripy wall paper paired with pattern carpet! too funny!).

How lovely to have mama bear over.


Philippa said...


Can't wait to come and stay in your spare room.

The kitchen looks shiny and new.

I want a Mama cupcake too.

PS: Excuse me, but as I type the word verification is "lambed"!!!! Too weird!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The appartment looks really good Mez!! Pretty good for Edinburgh isn't it?? :o) Love the B'day pics, hope you had a good day XXXX Nadsie
p.s. hehehe lamby lamby

Beth said...

Such a lovely little home!! It's such a grown-up flat! And a spare room to boot!!

How much longer will you and Stu-ster be there? May have to make Scotland my next European destination, since all of my other Aussie ex-pats in London are heading home.


Mezzle said...

LOSERS! Yay Buff, Eburgerdamland awaits.

Pipi, sooo excited about August, yipeeee!

Noo Noo, I want to see photos of your new house please, asap!

Webby, the kitchen's fine, NOW. When we moved in, the firdge didn't work. Also, the oven is gas (boo!). Other than that, we're chuffed. Come and visit?

Anonymous said...

wow! mezball ball that looks swish dee.

love the kitchen.

love the stripey wall paper (for real).


Heather Anders said...

awesome mez, love hte floorboards (i realise how sad that makes me) and the quilt - is that a marg special? Looks lovely. You must be loving it.

see you SOOOONNNN!!!!!!!

Verity Slee said...

hey Mezbot... awesome photos love the wall paper! I wanna come visit :( Hope you had a great time with ya mummy! xxxxxxx