Monday, 30 November 2009

H:Bomb Strikes Again

Hi all,

Just wanted to say that Heather has fixed my blog and now comments can be posted by anyone. I need said comments to sustain my will to continue blogging, so please tappity tap tap tap away ok?

Had a brilliant time down in London with Heather and the boys, who are both totally dreamy. Stu asked about the trip when he picked me up from the airport, and I believe I spoke at length about the brilliance of The Rock and Freddles. He then asked me if I was getting broody. I looked at him aghast, and he was crestfallen. I think he was hoping I'd say, 'yes, please pull over and commence insemination'.

Ewwwwwwwwwww. That made me feel queasy all the way down to my trouser cuffs. Apologies for mental iamgery everyone. If it makes me feel ill, I can only imagine how the rest of you are feeling.

Not yet Stufart, not for a loooooooong time. I enjoy kidliwinks and all they have to offer. I also relish the ability to pass them back to their (wonderfully competant) mothers when they become churlish. Who knows? That may change one day. But it ain't going to be tomorrow.

Anyway, tangents aside, it was so great to see Heather, she's a one in a million gal, and we had a faboo time just catching up and hanging around the by-now familiar favoured haunts of London town. There'll be photos in the next couple of days. Warning: They're mostly of miniature ragamuffins.

Love to all,



Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

Yes..........sufficiently queasy. Thanks Mez. I think its the word "insemination". It sounds so clinical, yet sleezy. Hmmmm...

But glad the blog is, yet again, commentable.

Mine is in a very stagnant state. Will update soon, when I get free time. Ai yeah. Why must we work!

Anonymous said...

photos photos photso!


Heather Anders said...

insemination is an awful word. i prefer 'mclovin'.

photos photos photos! miniture ragamuffins are my fav type of muffin!

so good ot see you mez. till our xmas/ny/foie gras party.

Philippa said...

Yes I am also feeling ill. "Where does the pollen go?"

I'll call you on the weekend, because I am presuming that considering Stu picked you up from the airport his car is operational and therefore you don't even need to entertain the thought of not coming back here in April. Good.

B said...

To continue on from Philippa: "can a girl just do that thing in a book where she adds up the dates of her..uh... whadd'ya call it?... Mentalstration?!?"

Grease 2. Preach.

Glad you had a fun trip. FYI, I prefer "spermination" or "baby batter" for maximum gross out effects.
Yes. I am 12.

Mezzle said...

Rental Pipi, rental.

Car will be fixed, we're told. For a mere £250 in excess. Not bad... not good, but not bad.

Grease 2. Awesome. Now where's MY cool rider?

Philippa said...

HAHAHAHHAHAA Bec. Don't call me Philippa. Grease 2 = DA BOMB. Guess what's playing at Rooftop Bar next Thurs? Cry Baby! I've already bought tix for me and the twins. "Please Mr jailer...Won't you let my man go freee....."

Laura said...

I have nothing to add except my excitement about being able to add comments to your blog Mez. Now you will realise the full extent of my stalking. Let the stalkiness begin....