Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Hi everyone,

I know it's been a long time between blog updates, but that is because my laptop was in surgery fightng for its life against I don't even KNOW how many trojans. I blame the dongle. Too criptic? Look it up. I also blame Stu. Perhaps unfairly, but he did say he was going to get around to downloading some antivirus software and never did. Sigh. So I'm finally back in business and going to make some serious amends by filling you all in on what's been happening in short, sharp macine-gun bursts of information to keep you on your toes. The aptly-named bullet point makes its glorious debut in my blog. Some call it lazy, I call it easy on the eyes.
  • Fringe! Festival! Awesomeness! Kezdawg and Julia came up a few weekends ago, and we did the rounds, hanging at the venues, schmoozing with comedians. For those of you not aware, Stephen K Amos: Funny on stage, more handsome in real life and a tad on the smarmy side, in a good way. He kissed my cheek. Twice. I now walk amongst the many.
  • Book Festival - I FINALLY tracked down a ticket to hear Margaret Atwood talk about her latest novel - so thrilled, can't wait. Hope it's nothing like The Blind Assassin. That was snoresville. Controversial? I invite comment, but keep it clean kiddies. have been to other events at Book Festival, but as they relate to UN Human Rights accords and the fall of Communism in Europe respectively, I won't go into details for fear of boring you all pantsless.
  • Dragged Stu along to the Soweto Gospel Choir a few Fridays ago. He did well not to look too bored or fall asleep during performance. It was all I could do to keep from jumping out of my seat in excitement. The harmonies! Seriously, it was a physical reaction, misty eyed. In a good way. After the show, before meeting Kieran and Julia's train, proceeded to drink waaaaaay too much out of sheer exhilaration. Tequila + intense joy + 2 bottles of wine = perverse joy and Olympic hangover.
  • Tonight it's Simon Amstell - Never Mind the Buzzcocks anyone? Should be good - treat for Stu for sitting through choir with me.
  • Bought a ridiculously sweet pair of boots last Friday. So rock and roll. They complete me. Am seriously contemplating a leather jacket I saw, because I want to be Ryan Adam's bitch.
  • Finally (and I know several of you nerdlinger types will be wondering, as if you don't have better things to think about - like black leather biker boots (but no buckles, cause that's super lame) - oh god they're dreamy, I can't stop thinking about them ... where was I?) my new job. I got it only 4 days after quitting the last, so poverty has once again been dealt a swift blow to the noggin. It's not a great job, not exciting or anything, but what it does have in its favour: It pays more, it's in the centre of Edinburgh, the work is easy, and the people are warm and friendly. It's a 6 month contract, so I keep looking for other stuff, but it's a bit of security for now, which is good. Stu has quit his job and taken some part time sales work in order to really concentrate and devote his time to finding the dream. I'll keep searching for mine too. Working at reception for (gasp) an oil and gas company, is not, surprisingly, IT.

Ok, so I realise that in the end, the bullets were less than useless, as they did nothing to curtail my tendency towards verbose prose. Too bad. Next time I'll try and streamline, promise. Next time I also promise to have images, but as I'm currently skiving at work, it can't be done until later.

Love to all - can't wait to see some of you in September for the big wedding! Whoot whoot!


Anonymous said...

edinburger festival is so wonderful!

i love the dot points. i get distracted otherwise.

boo to you not liking a margaret atwood books. (not really). but you got to see her!!!!!! oh god.

have a ball.

well done on job.

keep updates coming.

Philippa said...

Oooh Margaret Atwood: tell me all. But if she talks about Moral Disorder, try and steer conversation towards more interesting subject matter: HANDMAID'S TALE, ROBBER BRIDE, any of that stuff.

Poor Stu. It's not his fault you don't know how to download your own anti-virus software. Don't blame him.

Stephen K Amos seems short - is he?


Mezzle said...

Addressing comments in no particular order (to confuse):

Pipi - He's not tall.

Geord/Pete - I think you misunderstand me. I LOVE Margaret Atwood, I just didn't like The Blind Assassin.

Stu is culpable, for reasons I won't divulge on a public site. He knows what he did!

Heather Anders said...

blind assassin is easily her best. Though not suprised you cant see that, you can join the masses with that one... Oh Mez. I expected more from you.

Can I recommend you The Alcemist?

Mezzle said...

I've read The Alchemist Heather. Look, maybe it's just that I'm too cynical (magic schmagic) - or maybe I want an author who doesn't keep me at emotional arms length ... I don't know, it didn't grab me.

Why, may I ask did you think The Blind Assassin her best?

B said...

I'll weigh-in on the Atwood debate - I enjoyed Blind Assassin but my favourite is still Alias Grace...or Handmaid's... but the later has been somewhat ruined by trying to teach it to THE most unresponsive year 11 class ever 4 years ago. *shudder* Never. Again.
May I make a few reading reccomendations?
'More than it Hurts you' and 'Chang and Eng' both by Darian Strauss. Brills.
'Sea of Poppies' by Amitav Ghosh - this one I read while sailing around Croatia so perhaps my euphoric mood at the time made me slightly biased about how awesome this is - but it's full of Indian goodness.
And one for Heather in particular - 'The Gargoyle' by Andrew Davidson - unlike anything I've read before and very hard to put down.
Oh - and I recently read David Sedaris' latest - hilarious!
Wow, long response!
Oh - and Miss Mezzle, I'm sorry for the jealousy inspiring photos from Croatia but... that was, pretty much, my aim! Come to Cannes any time!!! I will ply you with sunshine, cheap rose and books! A winning combo! B xx